Can it be that zenon has decided to value quality over quantity? Anyhoo I want to make a longish review for once and you deserved one! :D
It starts off with a creepy ambience going, nice vocal-ish sounds going on. The effect that comes in at 0:48 is :O. Off to the slow-paced drums, they sound allright maybe they could use an extra layer to make them beefier(lol). Your additional percussion sounds really professional and adds to the rest of the tune and mood perfectly :)
I love that acid bassriff, the new sound to accompany fits in well and the part at the end of the drop(2:01 and 2:24)is really what I wanted to hear. Nice use of filters and effects throughout the whole song btw.
In come the nice vocal sounds again wich is welcome here ;) The arpy sound at 3:12 seems a bit random tbh.
A long fade out wich is appropriate since this track was pretty epic if you ask me, you could've used the sound you started the song with here aswell, that would've been good too.
Overall I'm impressed by this song and the mood that you set with it, like some big forest fight or w/e lol. This is going on me pod too ^^.
I've never written a review longer then 3 lines so I don't know if this is long hehe but it's all good =)